Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pressure Test

My Partner in crime, Kimmylafrou and I transformed three tired old garments in a couturers dream, creating a light, floaty, romantic lil number perfect for a cocktail or dinner partay darlingsss!
By day we are mild mannered Challenger Tech students, but by night we become fashion bandits fighting price rises and economical waste with our sustainable garments and sweet smelling perfume. We are Loulouvoncrump and Kimmylafrou. Together under a time restraint of 2 hours we took on the brilliantly mad S. Ponder Pondevie and her wild imagination to create a masterpiece with only our creativeness, 4 tatty rags and 2 jukis in hand. Could we do it or would S Ponder Pondevie get the better of us yet again? The outcome of this stressful pressure test: A light, floaty, romantic little number perfect for dining, partying or fleeing a horrible date darlings! Success was ours this time Pondy. Until we meet again!

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